
The requirements for obtaining a Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS) in Middle East Studies are detailed in the current Undergraduate Catalog.

Two-Year Course Projection

There are two types of faculty members associated with the MEI:

  • Core faculty teach language and literature courses (and the Director teaches political science).
  • Affiliated faculty teach courses in the departments of history, religious studies, women’s studies, and others. The teaching schedules of affiliated faculty are set by their home departments, not the MESC. It is possible to get a good sense of when affiliated faculty members will teach courses in the future by examining this list of when courses with Middle East content have been taught in the past.

To determine the home department of a specific faculty member, please visit the MESC faculty directory.

Anticipated course schedules for courses taught by MESC core faculty

Arabic Language Courses
The MESC offers three years of Arabic: Elementary Arabic (ARBC 1001 & 1002), Intermediate Arabic (ARBC 2001 & 2002) and Advanced Arabic (ARBC 3001 & 3002) each year. The first semester of each year (1001, 2001, 3001) is offered in the Fall, and the second semester (1002, 2002, 3002) is offered in the Spring.

The MESC also offers first year (Elementary) summer intensive Arabic in the seven-week summer session. Students must enroll for both 1001 & 1002.

Typically the MESC offers a single course in an Arabic dialect in the Spring semester.

Arabic Literature Courses
Typically Classical Arabic Literature in Translation will be offered in the Fall semester and Modern Arabic Literature in Translation will be offered in the Spring Semester.

Hebrew Language Courses
The MESC offers two years of modern Hebrew: Elementary Modern Hebrew (HBRM 1001 & 1002) and Intermediate Modern Hebrew (HBRM 2001 & 2002). The first semester of each year (1001, 2001) is offered only in the Fall, and the second semester (1002, 2002) is offered only in the Spring. Our continued ability to offer Intermediate Hebrew depends on student demand for the course.

The MESC offers one year of Biblical Hebrew: Elementary Biblical Hebrew (HBRB 1001) each Fall semester and HBRB 1002 each Spring semester, when student demand warrants.

Turkish Language Courses
The MESC offers two years of Turkish: Elementary Turkish (TURK 1001 & 1002) and Intermediate Turkish (TURK 2001 & 2002). The first semester of each year (1001, 2001) is offered only in the Fall, and the second semester (1002, 2002) is offered only in the Spring.

Political Science Courses
Politics of the Middle East and North Africa (POLS 4260) is typically offered each Fall semester.

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