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Louis Ruprecht

Professor    William Suttles Chair; Director, Hellenic Studies Institute    

Ph.D, 1990, Emory University
M.A., 1985, The Divinity School, Duke University
A.B., 1983, Duke University


Louis A. Ruprecht Jr. is the inaugural holder of the William M. Suttles Chair in Religious Studies as well as Director of the Center for Hellenic Studies. His doctoral concentration was in the area of philosophical and religious ethics, with special emphasis on classical literature and philosophy. His work covers a wide range of topics but may best be characterized as an historical study of the appropriation of Greek themes in a number of subsequent historical periods, especially the Early Modern period. He interrogates this classical legacy in areas ranging from ethics and politics, to psychology and sexuality, to drama and film. For the past ten years he has been a Research Fellow at the Vatican Library and the Vatican Secret Archives, where he has extended these research interests to the emergence of the Early Modern conception of Art, and the privileging of classical art as embodied in that preeminent institution, the Vatican Museums. His recent books include: Winckelmann and the Vatican’s First Profane Museum (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011), Policing the State: Democratic Reflections on Police Power Gone Awry, in Memory of Kathryn Johnston (Wipf and Stock, 2013) and Classics at the Dawn of the Museum Era: The Life and Times of Antoine Chrysostome Quatremere de Quincy (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014).

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