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Mohammed Hassen Ali

Associate Professor    ,

Dr. Ali graduated in African history from University of London, England. He teaches History 1112: World Civilization since 1500, History 4750: Eastern Africa and the Horn of Africa, History 4760: Central and Southern Africa, and History 4990: The Rise and Fall of the Apartheid System in South Africa. He also teaches two graduate seminar courses on Africa. Dr. Ali’s area of research interest is Ethiopia, with special emphasis on the history of the Oromo people of Ethiopia.

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THE MACHA-TULAMA ASSOCIATION : Its Importance In Oromo History 50th Anniversary celebration in Exile, by Asafa Jalata and Mohammed Hassen and Asafa Jalata ( Knoxville: The University of Tennessee Printing press, 2014).

“Conquest, Tyranny, and Ethnocide against the Oromo: Human Rights Conditions in Ethiopia, ca. 1880s-2002”, edited by Ezekiel Gebissa, Contested Terrain The Oromo and Ethiopian Studies, (Minneapolis, Minnesota: Lutheran University Press, 2014), 185-217.

“Shaykh Bakrii Saphalo: An Oromo Muslim Cultural Icon” (American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, Special Issue, The Study of Islam in African Universities, 31, 3, Summer 2014: 93-118).

“Review Essay: Revisiting Abba Bahrey’s ‘The News of the Galla,’” The International Journal of African Historical Studies Volume 45. Number 2 (2012):273-294.

“Testing the Thesis of The Invention of Ethiopia: A new look at Menilek’s colonization of Harerge and its impact on the Oromo political and cultural institutions, 1887-1900,” The Journal of Oromo Studies, Volume 18, Number1 ( July 2011): 109-150.

“Orature, Resistance, and Nationalism: A Historical Overview of the Development of Written Oromo Literature,” The Journal of Oromo Studies, Vol. 17, Number 1 ( March 2010): 137-177.


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